Packages and Pricing

I currently offer two packages for my services. Each package has a $300 initial deposit, and the remaining balance is due 2 weeks after your due date. Please note that the final balance can be paid in installments. Birth doula clients must be in Killeen, Belton, Temple, or Waco, Texas and surrounding areas. Postpartum Doula clients must be within a 60-minute one-way drive from Killeen, Texas and Placenta Encapsulation clients must be within a 75-minute one-way drive from Killeen, Texas.

Birth Doula Support

Package Number 1: $1050

 2-4 prenatal visits with main prenatal visit around 34 weeks*

Scheduling and/or attending 2 prenatal yoga classes (can be done in person or virtually)

Weekly 30-minute check-in calls via phone or video call

Homemade Anti-Nausea and/or Hydration Popsicle Deliveries at 25 weeks, 30 weeks, and 35 weeks

24-Hour access to me via phone or text starting at 36 weeks

 2 postpartum visits to help with lactation, meals, or running errands

 Continuous labor support**

1 Seed Planting Basket (Includes 1 rice bag to be used as a portable heating/cooling pad,

1 birth ball, 1 portable fan, 1 pair of fuzzy socks plus 2-3 customized goodies to be given at first prenatal visit)

1 postpartum sitz bath kit

Package Number 2: $1200

3-6 prenatal visits with main prenatal visit around 34 weeks*

Scheduling and/or attending up to 5 prenatal yoga classes (can be done in person or virtually)

Weekly 30-minute check-in calls via phone or video call

Unlimited Supply of Homemade Anti-Nausea and/or Hydration Popsicle Deliveries

24-Hour access to me via phone or text starting at 33 weeks

3-5 postpartum visits to help with lactation, meals, or running errands

Continuous labor support**

1 Seed Planting Basket (Includes 1 rice bag to be used as a portable heating pad, 1 birth ball, 1 portable fan, 2 pairs of fuzzy socks plus 3-5 customized goodies to be given at first prenatal visit)

3 postpartum sitz bath kits

* Prenatal visits can be actual visits with your provider or with me. Prenatal visits include me coming to your home to do exercises, massages, yoga, sound baths, meditations,

etc. with you as well as going over birth plan/preferences. Plan for 2 hours at 34-week visit and plan for 1 hour at all other prenatal visits.

**I offer continuous labor support for up to 18 hours of active labor. After 18 hours of continuous labor support, a backup doula will take my place for up to 6 hours at a rate of $30 per hour.

Postpartum Doula Support

$30/hr for a minimum of 20 hours ($35/hr for as needed support without 20 hour minimum)

Placenta Encapsulation: $275



              Umbilical Cord Keepsake

              Placental Art

              Instructions for usage


              Tincture ($15 additional fee)

Have more questions or ready to connect? Fill out form here to schedule your free consultation!